Keith Kammerer joined Werner Buckl and Buckl Architects in 1995 to open the N.J. office and to develop clients in the Philadelphia and New Jersey markets. Prior to joining Buckl Architects, Keith was a client serving for 5 years as the Director of Facilities Planning and Construction for Hahnemann University / Hospital, a large inner-city academic health care institution located in center city Philadelphia. After receiving his Bachelors of Architecture degree from Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1982, Keith was commissioned as an officer in the U.S Navy Civil Engineer Corps. With a degree and Navy commission in-hand, Keith traveled west to Long Beach, California where he served in several construction related NAVY billets including two years as the ‘Staff Civil Engineer’ at the Naval Hospital – Long Beach, a 500-bed healthcare facility providing health services to all active duty personnel and retirees in the greater Los Angeles / Orange County areas.
Following his service in the Navy, in 1988 Keith headed back to his native Philadelphia area where he spent 4 years in traditional A/E design firms including 2 years with H2L2 Architects in Philadelphia. During this period Keith received his professional license in 1988 and in 1991 began at Hahnemann University / Hospital as that institution entered into the initial phases of a major campus redevelopment program. 5 years of major expansion and renovation projects within a complex inner city healthcare campus provided incredible wealth of experience to head back to the design field by joining Buckl Architects in 1995.
It is that broad-based experience with both design and operational healthcare services that anchors Buckl Architects current direction and approach to serving our clients and our approach to staffing for our healthcare clients and projects….with a strong perspective from the operational side!
Bachelors of Architecture, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute – 1982
Commissioned – United States Navy – Civil Engineer Corps – 1982 (Lieutenant)
Professional Registrations: NJ, NY, PA, DE, NC
NCARB Certified – 1988
With a broad background of design, construction and operational experience, Keith quickly developed several long-standing client relationships including one with Atlantic Health System, a premier northern New Jersey healthcare provider with multiple hospital and outpatient campuses. Keith has worked on all manner and size of projects within the healthcare realm, including developing conceptual approaches for major campus expansions, facility relocation and master plans for Morristown, Newton and Overlook Medical Centers for Atlantic Health.
These projects not only required significant expertise and experience to develop creative design solutions to meet the client’s needs, but also to develop a strategic approach for the hospitals to work with the their neighbors to develop an approach to successfully receive local planning and zoning board approvals, often in towns where limiting the hospital’s growth was a primary objective of the neighbors and local government. This strategic approach to overall planning and design, and a tactical approach to receiving the required approvals has often been key to successfully getting major projects off the ground and headed toward successful completion and operation to provide key healthcare services to patients in their local communities.
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